JNICH 2021-02-28 |  | Ship updates pt 2. |  | J.02/25/2021 @here
New viral B class details:
B.Triton PR: 8982 Total attack: 4,250 Energy Attack: 0 Kinetic Attack: 1,500 Missile Attack: 2,750 Chemical Attack: 0 Range: 6
Hull: 11,200 Energy Shield: 20 Kinetic Shield: -50 Missile Shield: 35 Chemical Shield: -20
No Defense: Yes No Retal: Yes
Build Rate: 5 Capture Rate: 0 Scanner: 400
Cost: 134,730 Upkeep: 6,287
TM Cost: 40 RC Cost: 40 WC Cost: 40 Rutile Cost: 40 Comp Cost: 0 Strafez Cost: 0
The ship is live on GCCD and feedback is welcome, particularly on the attack types. There is room for small design alterations but the ship archetype will not change. Depending on feedback provided, this and the previous ship updates will go live at the server refresh on the 28th server time
BadWolfYesterday at 12:44 AM @here
In addition to the new viral b class ship, viral`s will not be able to reverse terran P class. All viral`s will get an un-reverse engineer project soon to go along with this. Viral`s with all re`s done can request new ships to reverse.
All viral`s will be having their reversed ships wiped to go inline with this. |
JJtheJetPlane 99+ day(s) ago | i`ve sent you a pm on the subject mompy. |
mompyuser 99+ day(s) ago | Ive sended PM`s to BW ad ren. So far no reponse. I`ll stay in VM till they are ready to give my ships back. |
JJtheJetPlane 99+ day(s) ago | send a message to bw or ren to have ships given to you for re. i`d also highly recommend you create a discord account and join the gc discord where these updates and discussions take place. |
reverb 99+ day(s) ago | i have no reversed engineered ships left not one. i assume i will have to start reversing them again, or is there anoyher opyion |
JNICH 99+ day(s) ago | TLDR. live in 30 minutes. |