JNICH 2021-02-20 |  | Ship Updates |  | Just figured i`d paste the update message here for people not in discord since PP asked before.
Renegade Today at 5:13 PM Comprehensive Ship Update has been added to the development server for testing and feedback. Changes are as follows:
Terran: Thor: Range to 9, attack type to kin, hull to 812, shields to 0/15/-15/0 Zeus: Shields to 15/-10/40/-10 Apollo: Range to 4, br to 410 (27060 pr/turn), hull to 40 Kalieum: Total attack to 400, attack split to 350/0/0/50 Chim: Upkeep to 28240 Herc: Changed to P class, no change to research requirement
Miner: Rhyo: Range to 5, attack to 1756 Lakko: Upkeep to 33000 Hoko: Upkeep to 13400 Kryo: Upkeep to 120000
Col: Pinn: Added NR Overlord: total attack to 55000, attack split to 30000/0/0/25000, shields to 40/-50/0/45, capture to 100 Galleon: upkeep to 615 Manowar: br to 90, upkeep to 247
Viral: Borrely: Added ND, hull to 360, shields to 10/-10/-20/50 Chiron: Range to 5, shields to -80/0/55/20, upkeep to 18482 Cronus: Class changed to B, capture rate to 0 New B Class: TBD
Maru: Pike, Sting, Ray: Changed to D class (Un-Reverseable) Bullhead, Thresher, Angel: Removed from D Class (Reversable)
Guard: Quartz: Added ND, Range to 4 Zen: Added ND Corundum: Added NR, Added ND, Attack split changed ene/kin/missile 12500/10000/7500, shields to 30/50/-30/0, br changed to 1 Tourmaline: Range to 3, Added ND, total attack to 9800 split kin/missile 6000/3800, upkeep reduced to 690
Neutral: Broadsword: Attack to 781, hull to 334 Pulsar: Attack to 1100, hull to 825 Quasar: Removed Entirely.
Starbase costs nerfed to 9-10% higher than that race`s most expensive ship. |
JJtheJetPlane 99+ day(s) ago | long form discussions on ship changes occur on the discord in the game-discussion channel; its tightly moderated and kept on-topic. if you dont want to interact with others in a less moderated way, you can mute all channels in the gc discord except game-discussion (and updates) and have a nice discussion about the changes and your perceived impact. |
OpvsDei 99+ day(s) ago | You are an not-smart. |
JNICH 99+ day(s) ago | since you said how and not why i`ll do my best. You see games run off something called "code". To modify something in the game they have to change said code. So they modified the code for these ships. heck, they even deleted the code for one. then added another. crazy stuff |
OpvsDei 99+ day(s) ago | Explanation to how these changes came about would be much appreciated. |
GalacticMercenaries 99+ day(s) ago | JaJaJaJa |
Frenzy 99+ day(s) ago | I love how we dont put old stats so im just looking at random numbers |
JJtheJetPlane 99+ day(s) ago | pulsar still exists |
OpvsDei 99+ day(s) ago | What if you don’t want to give a viral or col your long range missile ships but still interested in fighting them? |
JJtheJetPlane 99+ day(s) ago | quasar existing (and to a lesser extent, pulsar) invalidates basically every other 9 range missile ship. |
OpvsDei 99+ day(s) ago | What did quasar do? |
omegian 99+ day(s) ago | I totally skipped that piece ... since I was expecting that at the top. |
JNICH 99+ day(s) ago | Man, if people can`t even read the first sentence of his message they probably dont deserve the note :P |
omegian 99+ day(s) ago | Note - this is in development server only, not in the production game server yet. |
