Demoshi 2008-03-25 |  | slaver |  | anybody want to slave me? just pm me and ill come outa newbie protect....theres too many sharks sitting at 5000pr... |
JeanGray 99+ day(s) ago | why ppl so freaked about getting slaved? |
MirrorUniverse 99+ day(s) ago | Demoshi is on RT. If you have decent infra and most of your ships researched before coming out of VM, you won`t have to worry much about the 5000 PR sharks because you can just build to 10 times their power (50,000 PR) and declare independance from them. |
StormofBladeZ 99+ day(s) ago | this would be considered an arranged battle which is not quite allowed.
Put up a fight at least lol. which sever u on. If its fast just put urself out for a few hours ill find you. :) |