JNICH 2021-04-11 |  | 4/18 upkeep + ship changes |  | you know the drill, just passing along. The link about halfway down is to the shiplist that shows all the new upkeep mods in it side by side with the old mods.
J. — Today at 4:22 PM @here
upkeep formula after tweaks:
PR * BR / 10 * ((Total Weapon * (1 + (Number of damage types - 1) / 10) * Range ^ 1.5) + (Hull * 5 * (2 + Net Shields))) [* 1.5 if has NR] [/ 1.5 if has ND] * race mod
race mods: (divide these by 1,000,000)
Guardian: .7 Miner: 10 Collective: 2.5 Marauder: 1.6 Terran: 7 Viral: 5.5
*caveat: col/maru upkeep mods will almost certainly need to be adjusted if/when more players play
along with these ship changes:
guard: eme: hull: 20000 -> 12000 shields: -40/10/60/-60 -> -40/20/30/-60 remove nd
viral: triton: remove nd
terran: emp: total attack: 2500 -> 2600 attack split: 1500/1000/0/0 -> 2600/0/0/0 shields: 20/-30/20/20 -> 60/10/-20/-35
maru: ray: br: 100 -> 75 (23775 per turn)
will go live on 4/18 at server refresh (a little over 7 days from now)
note: no neutral ship upkeeps or starbase upkeeps are included in these changes. there will be another follow-up which addresses sb`s and neutrals |